Encryptek can provide clients with a comprehensive encryption evaluation for high performance and critical enterprise environments. Get started today by contacting us.
Custom Designs
Should your site require custom or very specific requirements, Encryptek can adopt existing system designs to meet your needs. Additional data computation can easily be added to existing reference platforms, enabling truly customized acceleration modules. Contact us for further evaluation.
IP Licensing
Encryptek's patented IP cores are suitable for any public key encryption method, including RSA, DH, DSA, and EC. Our designs are flexible and scalable, making them easily integratable for FPGAs or ASICs. IP core optimizations can be based on encryption strength, hardware architecture, power constraints, embedded usage, and high performance computing. Contact us today for further information on how you can use our technology in various applications, including web servers, email servers, SAN, TCG, FIPS environments, VoIP, satellite, surveillance, public/private key generation, and many more.